Silver Fox on englantilainen vuonna 1979 perustettu yritys, joka valmistaa johdin- ja kaapelimerkintätuotteita moniin erilaisiin käyttöympäristöihin kuten ulkotilojen kaapelointiin, keskus- ja johdinsarjavalmistukseen, valmistavaan teollisuuteen, telekeskuksiin ja konesaleihin. Kaikki tuotteet suunnitellaan ja valmistetaan Englannissa.
Silver Fox manufacture and supply cable, wire, and pipe labels for a variety of sectors around the world, including: Rail, Data, Power, Construction, Renewable Energy, Oil & Gas, and more. The company has been in operation since 1977, proudly manufacturing all products here in the UK and shipping them globally, either direct or via their ever-growing network of distributors.
Along with a wide range of robust labels, Silver Fox’s solution also includes a unique software and printer pairing that prints multiple labels on one simple application. No other system offers this simplicity and range of labels. With the Fox-in-a-Box® thermal printer, users can comfortably switch from printing heatshrink, to tie-ons, to wrap around labels.
One software, One printer, One ribbon.
Alongside the Thermal Range, Silver Fox also offer Laser Printed Labels, Laser Engraved labels, and Pipe & Valve Labels. The Laser Print range is available using the same software as the thermal, however in this case can be printed using an ordinary desktop laser printer (e.g. HP). Giving someone the ability to print 60 polyester, pre-perforated labels in 20 seconds, saving time and cost on a project.
One Software, Your Printer.
The laser engraved products can be catalogue sizes or made to your exact requirements, with adhesive backing or screw holes for application. The Pipe and Valve labels are a quick and easy way to label valves and equipment when using the professional level of the Fox-in-a-Box® thermal printer.